

What Clients Say

"When Shawn and I first came to see Bob, we were ready to break up. Most of our time we spent arguing, and our mutual trust for each other had almost evaporated. We met with him individually to work through our own personal issues that made us blow things out of proportion, and we also met as a couple to learn and practice new and more effective ways to talk and listen to each other. We've learned how to trust each other again, and now when we argue -- which is maybe once every week or two, instead of daily -- we are usually able to resolve the issue instead of going around in circles."
Jennifer Roth
Customer Service Representative

"Thanks so much for your guidance over the last few months -- you have been welcome shelter in the storm for me, and your words have been invaluable."
Anne Woods
Multimedia Artist

"Bob McGarey has had a long-standing commitment to the personal growth of the members of this community. Coming from a tradition of holistic healing, he furthers the principles of spiritual and personal development through ongoing events in his Human Potential Center. The center is a welcoming space for everyone seeking a personal growth experience and a community of friends engaged in similar pursuits."
Maria Grace, Ph.D.

"Through Bob's support, attention & guidance, my true self is emerging. I'm learning to create the life that fully suits me!"
Robyn Cloughley
Nonprofit Organization Manager

“I'm in a triad myself and we went to Bob for help when we hit a pretty big wall. I'm here to say that Bob is indeed a STUPENDOUSLY TERIFFIC counselor! He was able to help us communicate and break through the barriers we'd kept up between us for years. We 3 are stronger and happier than we've ever been before, and we believe that it is in large part due to Bob's insight and compassion. I would highly reccommend him as a poly counselor and a personal growth counselor.”
Leslie Harvey from Austin, Texas

“I have heard from several sources that he is a wonderful counselor. He does his best to get you going on your own path of self-healing. He's not interested in keeping his clients seeing him; he's interested in helping them to help themselves. I know that's the avowed goal of most mental health practitioners, but I've heard that this is not just a goal for his patients, but the reality.

In my own experience, he is compassionate and empathetic. He was the first person that I thought of for counseling in going through the grief and fear of my recent illness. He and I had a wonderful phone call (he wasn't available to meet me) and it was a terrific experience.”

Robie Kentspeth from Austin, Texas

“My wife and I are involved in a Vee and although we have experience in Quads, and Triads, this is our first expereince with a Vee. We went to see Bob last week, as we often have over the last 5 years or so. He helped us look at quite a few issues that we had not even considered and from angles that only a therapist skilled in the art of poly could even come close to suggesting.

We often kid around in our friendship circle, many of whom have met Bob, that to see another therapist would be kind of silly. First of all, you have to spend your own money catching the therapist up on poly, THEN you can start in on the real issues a few sessions later. With Bob, you can hit the ground running.

We have another appointment set for next week and we can't wait.”

Keith and Sheila from Austin, Texas

“My girlfriend and I knew we loved each other very much, but couldn't balance our seemingly conflicting interests for freedom and security. Bob has a perspective in this area that few have.

We were surprised at how quickly we were able to reach a better understanding of each other and reach an agreement by which both of us got our interests 100% met. Bob is very efficient at getting to the "heart" of matters.”

A. B. from Austin, Texas

“I have a therapist who is really great, but on this subject of poly, I did seek out a "specialist" who is himself Poly and has been for 23 years. I have to tell you that I experienced the most amazing relief after my telephone session with Bob and would HIGHLY recommend finding someone like him when you want to work on poly issues. Not only did he listen and provide support, but he also had some great advice which I've discussed with my partner and we are working through things really well.”

S. M. from Houston, Texas