
The Process
Personal Growth Sessions give you a chance to explore issues that are important to you, guided by well-placed questions from an active, caring listener. Using techniques like role playing, dreamwork, focusing and guided imagery, we work together to help you become clear about what you really want and develop a plan for how to get there.
The goal of Personal Growth Sessions is not to treat dysfunction or illness, but rather to promote your emotional and psychological health; develop effective communication skills; and create a lifestyle that reinforces self-exploration and personal growth. Personal Growth Sessions help you strengthen skills you already possess and develop new ones, so that you can take charge of your life and feel better about yourself. Whether your main concern is your relationships. career, personal growth or spiritual growth, Personal Growth Sessions help you take the steps that are necessary to start truly enjoying your life.
Background and Training
Bob received his Master of Arts degree in Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology at Johnston College in Redlands, California in 1978. He has decades of experience helping people discover their own inner truth, which is what he focuses on in Personal Growth Sessions. In addition to this background, Bob has been polyamorous for over 30 years, and he is currently involved in open, honest, caring relationships with three wonderful women, one of whom is married.
During those 30 years, he has learned a great deal about the challenges poly presents to individuals, couples and groups, as well as the many rewards that can be received from loving more than one person at a time. He particularly enjoys working with poly clients because he believes that they are the pioneers who are creating new possibilities for more powerful ways to love during the current century.
Bob prefers to arrange Personal Growth Sessions (whether they are in-person or by telephone) on weekday afternoons, but some evening and weekend appointments are available. Sessions are available on a sliding-scale basis, and there is no additional charge for working with more than one (or two or three...) persons. To schedule a session, call (512) 441-8988 or email
When relationships are working well, they help renew our courage and enthusiasm for living fully each day; when they aren't, they can destroy our self-esteem, shatter our self-confidence and restrict our movement and growth.
Personal Growth Sessions can help difficult relationships begin to really work, and good relationships become thoroughly joyful and exciting. Whether you choose to work individually on your issues about your relationship, or to work as a couple (or triad, etc.) on learning and practicing effective communication, you'll find the necessary tools and insights for building genuine intimacy and ensuring that all of you you get more of what you want and need.
You don't have to settle for just "earning a living"; you deserve a job where you're excited to wake up on Monday mornings! In Personal Growth Sessions, we work together to help you identify what you love to do and then find (or create!) your perfect job -- a job that utilizes your knowledge, skills and interests, and gives you the chance to make a positive difference in the world.
Personal and Spiritual Growth
People grow in unique and individual ways, so we work together to find the approaches, techniques and paths that are right for you. Whether you need to work through patterns of behavior you learned from your family, increase your self-esteem, change the way you react to others, or make better choices for your life, you can learn to become more assertive, more empowered, more loving toward yourself, and more connected with others in wise and healthy ways.
In addition to this kind of personal growth work, my extensive background in transpersonal psychology can help guide your spiritual growth in areas like meditation, spiritual growth techniques, spiritual paths and your quest for meaning and purpose in life.
Fees and Insurance
The normal fee for Personal Growth Sessions at The Human Potential Center is $150 for a full 60-minute hour (regardless of whether there is an individual client, a couple, or a larger group such as a family). A free thirty-minute initial consultation is available to help you determine whether Personal Growth Sessions would be right for you.
For those who live outside Austin and cannot come to the Center for a session, Zoom and phone sessions are available and are surprisingly effective. The fee for Zoom or phone sessions is the same as for a regular session. In addition, Bob sometimes travels to other cities to present workshops and may be available for in-person sessions during those times. To cover the additional costs related to travel and renting office space, the fee for out-of-town sessions is $200 for a full 60-minute hour.
If you believe that Personal Growth Sessions could help you but the price is out of reach for you right now, we have some alternative financial arrangements available. Call us for more information at (512) 441-8988.
Insurance companies traditionally pay for services that treat specific illnesses rather than those that promote health. Since Personal Growth Sessions focus on promoting health, they are not covered by most insurance policies.
Personal Growth Sessions